Agora Object: Agora XXX, no. 641
Chronology:   Ca. 425-420 B.C.
Deposit:   N 10:1
Published Number:   AV 30.641
References:   Object: P 5223
Three non-joining wall fragments. Thin blackish to brownish glaze on inside. Max. dim. e) 0.071, g) 0.03, m) 0.031. Choes and Anthesteria, p. 81, cat. no. 172 bis.

Fragment e shows the top of a goal post decorated with a border of esses; at the far left is the crown of a head to left with a spikey fillet (a torch-racer[?]). Fragment g shows the upper right arm and a bit of the torso of a youth to right. Fragment m gives part of torch (a little of the shaft, half of hand protector) and a bit of drapery(?).

Van Hoorn (Choes and Anthesteria, p. 81) suggested that this was a torch race.