Agora Object: BI 925
Inventory Number:   BI 925
Section Number:   ΒΓ 1777
Title:   Bone Ornament Fragments
Category:   Bone & Ivory
Description:   Two non joining fragments.
Fragment a) seems to be broken at both ends, fragment b) has part of one end preserved.
Two fragments of a curved strip with decoration on the convex surface. Decoration consists of a row of circles with dots in the center. Six circles are preserved on fragment a), two on fragment b). The strip may have been pierced at one end of fragment a) and at both ends of fragment b), or these holes may be breakages along the lines of the incised decoration.
Context:   Burial. Found by Dr. Angel during clearing of bones June 1975.
Black deposit, perhaps from decomposition of stround.
Notebook Page:   2705-2711
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 2774-103
Dimensions:   P.L. a) 0.022, b) 0.014; W. a) 0.007, b) 0.007; Th. a) 0.001, b) 0.001
Date:   13-15 June 1973
Section:   ΒΓ
Grid:   I/10,11-5/5,6
Deposit:   I 5:2
Bibliography:   Agora XXXVI, no. T63-19, p. 427, fig. 2.308.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVI
Deposit: I 5:2
Card: BI 925
Card: BI 925