Agora Object: I 5490
Inventory Number:   I 5490
Section Number:   ΟΑ 369
Title:   Record Fragment
Category:   Inscriptions
Description:   Inscribed fragment.
Inscribed face only preserved.
Eight lines of the inscription preserved.
Pentelic marble.
ADDENDA Belongs to I 4695.
Taken to the Epigraphical Museum on 20th. December 1954; returned on 10th. January 1955.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Found in classical context below course 4 of west wall, in the Klepsydra antechamber.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. 0.106; Lett. H. 0.005-0.008; W. 0.117; Th. 0.055
Date:   1 June 1938
Section:   ΟΑ
Deposit:   T 27:1
Lot:   Lot ΟΑ 330
Bibliography:   Hesperia 82 (2013), p. 329, n. 76.
    Hesperia 65 (1996), p. 453, no. 16, pl. 86.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 65 (1996)
Publication: Hesperia 82 (2013)
Deposit: T 27:1
Card: I 5490