Agora Object: MC 1181
Inventory Number:   MC 1181
Section Number:   ΒΓ 648
Title:   Token
Category:   Misc. Clay Objects
Description:   Top broken at edge.
Obverse: inscribed. It has three lines of text made of an ovoid seal. Inscription is very indistinct.
Reverse: plain.
Pink clay.
Similar to MC 1174 and from seal 2-type II A.
Cf. MC 1174, for the inscription.
Context:   Well.
Notebook Page:   1345
Negatives:   Leica, 87-24
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.024; W. 0.029; Th. 0.005
Date:   27 July 1971
Section:   ΒΓ
Grid:   J/10-5/5
Elevation:   38.68-38.33m.
Masl:   38.33-38.68m.
Deposit:   J 5:1.4
Lot:   Lot ΒΓ 391
Bibliography:   Hesperia 49 (1980), p. 89, pl. 14, no. 7.
    Hesperia 42 (1973), p. 178, pl. 39 b.
Is Similar To:   Agora:Object:MC 1174
References:   Publication: Hesperia 42 (1973)
Publication: Hesperia 49 (1980)
Image: 2012.58.0705 (87-24)
Deposit: J 5:1
Deposit: J 5:1.4
Card: MC 1181