Agora Object: MC 1220
Inventory Number:   MC 1220
Section Number:   ΒΓ' 333
Title:   Loom Weight
Category:   Misc. Clay Objects
Description:   Chipped at top.
Truncated pyramidal, stamped.
Pierced once at top. Stamped with three circles at bottom of one side. Unglazed.
Yellow orange clay.
Context:   Pit.
Notebook Page:   965
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. 0.061; W. 0.044; Diam. 0.044; Wt. 100.9
Date:   27 June-5 August 1972
Section:   ΒΓ'
Grid:   H/13,15-4/12,13
Deposit:   H 4:5
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992), p. 128, pl. 61, no. 376.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992)
Deposit: H 4:5
Card: MC 1220