Agora Object: MC 897
Inventory Number:   MC 897
Section Number:   Σ 2756
Title:   Loom Weight
Category:   Misc. Clay Objects
Description:   Base missing, and flakes from sides.
Pyramidal-rectangular in section, and truncated.
Pierced twice near the top.
Greenish yellow clay, with dark specks; the surface is soft and gritty.
Context:   Well. Box 72.
Negatives:   Leica, LIII-85
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.073
Date:   May-June 1951
Section:   Σ
Grid:   Σ:45/Θ
Elevation:   -10--10m.
Masl:   -10m.
Deposit:   N 7:3
Bibliography:   Hesperia 22 (1953), p. 112, pl. 41, no. 185.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 22 (1953)
Deposit: N 7:3
Card: MC 897