Agora Object: P 14658
Inventory Number:   P 14658
Section Number:   ΜΜ 478
Title:   Skyphos Fragment with Graffito
Category:   Pottery
Description:   About half the base with the start of the wall, preserved. A heavy-type skyphos, the wall drawn in above the ring foot.
Dull black glaze; the resting surface reserved, and the space inside the ring foot, with two glazed circles at the center.
Incised around the underside: <graphic>
Context:   "Foundary Pit", N-S cut on 50m. line, area of Stoa, layer VII, with slag. Second quarter of 4th. c. B.C.
Notebook Page:   1062, 1223 ff.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-21(F 144)
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.041; Est. Diam. (foot) 0.064
Date:   10 March 1939
Section:   ΜΜ
Deposit:   E 2:3
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXI, no. F 144, p. 39, pl. 17.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Drawing: PD 1133-21 (DA 5539)
Deposit: E 2:3
Notebook: ΜΜ-6
Notebook: ΜΜ-7
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-6-36 (pp. 1061-1062)
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-7-16 (pp. 1222-1223)
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-7-26 (pp. 1242-1243)
Card: P 14658
Card: P 14658