Agora Object: P 27649
Inventory Number:   P 27649
Section Number:   Κ 3829
Title:   Pointed Pyxis Fragment with Incised Decoration
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment from lower body, but well above the point. Handmade incised ware. Upper of two zones: triangles or zigzags of enclosed-stroke lines. Lower zone, apparently triangles with vertical undulating stroke-lines in upper angle.
Very brittle pinkish-buff clay. Surface like P 27648. Possibly part of it.
Notes:   5/Δ'*
Context:   Geometric cremation burial; pyre.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 2774-107
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.04
Date:   15 June 1967
Section:   Κ
Elevation:   -65--64m.
Masl:   -65--64m.
Deposit:   H 16:6
Lot:   Lot ΣΤ 169
Period:   Geometric
Bibliography:   Hesperia 37 (1968), p. 106, no. 43, pl. 29.
    Agora XXXVI, no. T15-43, pp. 160, 162, fig. 2.90.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVI
Publication: Hesperia 37 (1968)
Image: 2012.59.0706 (88-620)
Deposit: H 16:6
Notebook: Κ-23
Notebook: Κ-24
Notebook Page: Κ-23-27 (pp. 4543-4544)
Notebook Page: Κ-23-62 (pp. 4613-4614)
Notebook Page: Κ-24-18 (pp. 4726-4727)
Card: P 27649