Agora Object: P 27651
Inventory Number:   P 27651
Section Number:   Κ 3831
Title:   Pointed Pyxis Fragments with Incised Decoration
Category:   Pottery
Description:   a) Made up of two pieces.
b) Made up of three pieces.
Fragments from rim to just below greatest diameter. One suspension hole preserved. Handmade incised ware. Stroke girdle below rim, and scallops on upper one-third of shoulder. Five lines and a stroke girdle at base of shoulder. Lower zone: triangles of one or two enclosed stroke-lines; stroke-lines in the angles.
Burned gray throughout. Excellent polish on upper fragment. Tool marks.
Notes:   5/Δ'*
Context:   Geometric cremation burial; pyre.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 2774-109
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. a) 0.071, b) 0.052; P.H. ca. 0.052; Diam. ca. 0.07, (mouth) 0.034
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   15 June 1967
Section:   Κ
Elevation:   -65--64m.
Masl:   -65--64m.
Deposit:   H 16:6
Lot:   Lot ΣΤ 169
Period:   Geometric
Bibliography:   Hesperia 37 (1968), p. 107, no. 45, pl. 29.
    Agora XXXVI, no. T15-45, p. 162, fig. 2.90.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVI
Publication: Hesperia 37 (1968)
Deposit: H 16:6
Notebook: Κ-23
Notebook: Κ-24
Notebook Page: Κ-23-27 (pp. 4543-4544)
Notebook Page: Κ-23-62 (pp. 4613-4614)
Notebook Page: Κ-24-18 (pp. 4726-4727)
Card: P 27651