Agora Object: P 29349
Inventory Number:   P 29349
Section Number:   Ω 1972
Title:   Casserole
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Largely complete; mended and filled in plaster. Flat bottom; convex wall; high rim with ledge for lid; horizontal loop handles.
Gritty red clay. Unglazed, blackened by fire on bottom.
Context:   Cistern.
Notebook Page:   2833
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. 0.083; Diam. 0.28-0.284
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   May 1971
Section:   Ω
Grid:   Ω:53/ΝΕ
Elevation:   -3.95--3.95m.
Masl:   -3.95m.
Deposit:   P 21:4
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXIII, no. 647, fig. 83.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXIII
Drawing: PD 3015-429 (DA 7395)
Deposit: P 21:4
Notebook: Ω-15
Notebook: Ω-16
Notebook Page: Ω-15-21 (pp. 2833-2834)
Notebook Page: Ω-16-84 (pp. 3158-3159)
Card: P 29349