Agora Object: P 31474
Inventory Number:   P 31474
Section Number:   ΒΓ' 401
Title:   Black Glaze Stemless Cup Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Two non-joining sections:
a) Profile from rim to foot.
b) Part of foot and underside.
Flaring ring foot, lipped, rounded resting surface. Shallow body, concave rim, inset on inside. Reserved: outside and resting surface of foot, underside with central glazed circle and handle panels.
Shiny black glaze. Clay has gray core.
Notes:   Catalogued 2 August 1984.
Context:   Pit.
Notebook Page:   965
Negatives:   84-17-14, 84-17-27, 85-34-20, 85-36-22, 87-23-8, 87-35-19
Dimensions:   H. 0.056; Est. Diam. 0.165
Date:   27 June-5 August 1972
Section:   ΒΓ'
Grid:   H/13,15-4/12,13
Deposit:   H 4:5
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992), p. 102, no. 175, fig. 10, pl. 45.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 25 (1992)
Images (5)
Deposit: H 4:5
Card: P 31474