Agora Object: S 1929
Inventory Number:   S 1929
Section Number:   ΠΠ 921
Title:   Weight with Relief
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Small rectangular block, worn, one corner badly chipped. Surface of figures battered, especially the heads.
Two figures on plinth. Male, 3/4 view at left, embraces or carries off female, full front view at right, whose right arm is around his shoulder, left hangs at side.
Beneath heads, ground of relief left to form a step.
Original weight perhaps 12 pounds (12 x 327 gr. = 3924 gr.)
Pentelic marble.
Context:   Destruction debris of South House Kitchen.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. ca. 0.20; W. 0.103; Th. (of block) 0.057, (over all) 0.078; Wt. 3460
Material:   Marble (Pentelic)
Chronology:   Late Roman.
Date:   20 March 1956
Section:   ΠΠ
Grid:   B 16
Deposit:   B 17:1
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora X, no. SW 21, p. 37, pl. 12.
References:   Publication: Agora X
Deposit: B 17:1
Notebook: ΠΠ-9
Notebook: ΠΠ-12
Notebook Page: ΠΠ-9-90 (pp. 1770-1771)
Notebook Page: ΠΠ-12-25 (pp. 2239-2240)
Card: S 1929