Agora Object: S 2458
Inventory Number:   S 2458
Section Number:   ΡΡ 280
Title:   Relief Fragment with Worshippers
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Broken at right and above. Very worn and disfigured by fire.
Lower left hand corner of relief. Traces of eleven worshippers, moving right.
Crystalline white marble.
Context:   At top of Pithos, in burnt debris.
Notebook Page:   811
Negatives:   Leica, 95-8-31, 95-8-32
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.35; P.W. 0.043; Th. 0.09
Date:   22 March 1972
Section:   ΡΡ
Grid:   S/18,19-13/17,18
Bibliography:   Agora XXXVIII, no. 171, p. 123, pl. 50.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVIII
Image: 2012.81.0156 (95-8-32)
Card: S 2458