Agora Object: S 2517
Inventory Number:   S 2517
Section Number:   ΡΡ 461
Title:   Drapery Fragment of Male Figure
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Broken above and at sides .
Fragment of fringed tunic from large imperial (?) statue. Ends decorated with ringlets.
Crystalline white marble.
Perhaps same as S 2515 (ΡΡ 459) and S 2516 (ΡΡ 460).
Notes:   Conjoined S 2517 broken into two pieces; separated piece is the rightmost fragment.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Room 2 of street Stoa, south half, layer B.
Notebook Page:   939
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.20; P.L. 0.385; P.Th. 0.095
Date:   24 May 1972
Section:   ΡΡ
Bibliography:   Martens (2023), pp. 154-159, fig. 11, n. 75.
    Dillon (2022), pp. 76, 78, fig. 8, n. 12.
References:   Publication: Dillon (2022)
Publication: Martens (2023)
Image: 2018.03.0237
Card: S 2517