Agora Object: SS 14002
Inventory Number:   SS 14002
Section Number:   ΗΑ 53
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Boukranion with neck.
Context:   Late fill.
Writing:   Ἀριστοκλεῦς vac
boukranion with neck
(in O framed)
Negatives:   Leica, 94-23-15, 96-10-9
Date:   July 1954
Section:   ΗΑ
Bibliography:   Hesperia 54 (1985), p. 49, no. 19, pls. 3, 19.
Published Type:   KT 0236
References:   Publication: Hesperia 54 (1985)
Image: 2012.80.0803 (94-23-15)
Image: 2012.82.0130 (96-10-9)
Card: SS 14002