Agora Object: SS 1499
Inventory Number:   SS 1499
Section Number:   Η 291
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Small handle with short slightly arched upper part.
Coarse red clay.
Impression incomplete above and broken away to left; shape peculiar but uncertain; the straight lower edge is at an angle with the straight lines of the letters.
Cf. Dumont (1872), p. 308, no. 46.
Context:   Below floor.
Writing:   Ἐπὶ Ἀρι
(Ε,Σ lunate)
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   W. 0.038; Th. 0.02
Date:   4 May 1933
Section:   Η
Grid:   Η:12/ΙΔ
Elevation:   55.30m.
Masl:   55.3m.
Bibliography:   Hesperia 3 (1934), no. 193.
Published Type:   KT 1321
References:   Publication: Hesperia 3 (1934)
Notebook: Η-4
Notebook Page: Η-4-46 (pp. 660-661)
Card: SS 1499