Agora Object: ST 92
Inventory Number:   ST 92
Section Number:   Ν 72
Title:   Weight
Category:   ST Marble
Description:   Small black, plain and uninscribed.
Pentelic marble.
Context:   With Hellenistic and late Roman sherds.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   L. 0.16; W. 0.095; H. 0.055; Wt. 2526
Date:   22 February 1935
Section:   Ν
Grid:   Ν:7/ΝΒ
Elevation:   60.90m.
Masl:   60.9m.
Bibliography:   Agora X, no. SW 24, p. 38.
References:   Publication: Agora X
Notebook: Ν-1
Notebook: Ν-9
Notebook Page: Ν-1-90 (pp. 169-170)
Notebook Page: Ν-9-27 (pp. 1645-1646)
Card: ST 92