Agora Object: T 2037
Inventory Number:   T 2037
Section Number:   ΕΕ 153
Title:   Mold Fragment for Object
Category:   Terracotta Moulds
Description:   Half of one end of a mold for a rounded undecorated object.
Tab and string grooves at end outside.
Light greenish-buff clay.
Possibly the back of head (?)
ADDENDA: Lamp nozzle (?)
Context:   Cistern, mouth and upper passage, container 2.
Notebook Page:   365
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.048; P.W. 0.056
Date:   8 May 1939
Section:   ΕΕ
Grid:   ΕΕ:53/Ε
Deposit:   N 21:4.1
Lot:   Lot ΕΕ 14
Bibliography:   Hesperia 31 (1962), p. 262, pl. 91, no. 21.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 31 (1962)
Deposit: N 21:4
Deposit: N 21:4.1
Card: T 2037