Agora Object: T 2520
Inventory Number:   T 2520
Section Number:   ΔΔ 395
Title:   Head Fragments of Deer Figurine
Category:   Terracotta
Description:   Broken off at top of the neck; horns and ears chipped. Rather heavy muzzle.
Added from sherds; fragments b) and c), parts of body.
No trace of white.
Pinkish-buff clay.
Context:   Komos Cistern.
Negatives:   Leica, 80-78-1
Dimensions:   P.L. a) 0.048, b) 0.091, c) 0.071
Date:   May 1947
Section:   ΔΔ
Grid:   ΔΔ:66/Κ
Deposit:   M 21:1
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 32 (1963), p. 290, no. 26, pl. 76.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 32 (1963)
Image: 2005.01.0750
Deposit: M 21:1
Card: T 2520