Corinth Basket: NB230 B10002 P13
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB230 B10002 P13
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   Modern surface clearing
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   230
Context:   10002
Page:   13
Date:   1961/04/17
Lot:   NB230 B2 PG13
Notes:   April 17 (p. 13-14)
Slightly below the top of wall #1 at +86.269 I changed baskets in hopes of finding fill undisturbed by plowing. [Finds stamp.]
No change occurred in the general character of the fill. In this fill at ΠΑ/100 were discovered 1 coin, a small quantity of animal bones, nails and 2 badly corroded iron objects, apparently hooks. At ΠΕ/100 was found a piece of bone possibly worked for a tool. Toward the end of the day's excavation Turkish pottery began to occur, although we continued to find Modern sherds.
April 18 (p. 15)
I resumed excavating in area Π-ΠΗ/96-100, continuing with Basket #2 of April 17. A Turkish pipe bowl was found in this fill, as well as 2 coins. Packed-dirt floor surfaces appeared at the following floor levels: Room 3 south of Wall #4 and west of Wall #1 sloping from south to north, +85.974 to +85.734; Room 4 east of Wall #1 and south of Wall #3, +85.904; Room 5 east of Wall #1 and north of Wall #3, +86.039. I took a photograph showing Walls #1-#2 from the south with Room 3 and floor +85.974/+85.734 between (Neg. 61-5-1,2; Ph. Vol. 18, no. 26).
Context Artifacts:   iron nails (shape and number not specified); bone tool (?) 1; iron hooks (?) 2; glass Turkish window 1 (saved to lot); Turkish pipes (shape and number not specified)
Grid:   Π-ΠΗ/96-100
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.734-86.269m.
References:   Coin: 1961 137
Coin: 1961 155
Coin: 1961 156