Corinth Basket: NB587
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB587
Area:   Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   587
Date:   1973/05/15;1973/05/29
    1973/05/15; 1973/05/30
Lot:   NB587 Lot 1973-98 Lot 1973-100
Stratum:   Mosaic Building, construction fill.
    MT. Building T-U:19, post-destruction debris
    T-U: 19, debris over floor; post-destruction debris
    Building T-U:19, black packing behind south wall
    Building T-U:19: Mosaic Building; mosaic floor; exposed with lot 1973-98.
Period:   Late Roman (5th -6th c AD)
    1 st c. A.C.
    Middle Roman (2/2 2nd c-4th c AD)
Chronology:   6th c. A.C.
    Second-third quarter 1st. c. A.C.
    Second half 2nd or early 3rd century A.C.
Grid:   T:19 U:19
Elevation:   184.63-182.78 to 183.65-182.56
    184.37 183.39
Site:   Acrocorinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   182.56-184.63m.