Corinth Basket: NB81 B2 P201
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB81 B2 P201
Area:   Korakou
Title:   Trench I, C I
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   81
Context:   2
Page:   201
Date:   1915/05/07
Stratum:   Trench I, C I
Notes:   Trench I
On SE side of the hill in a place where there are two {banks} one above the other. We are digging a transverse trench from S.E. to N.W. ca. 1.00 m wide. We are digging in sections of 2 - 2 ½ m.
[drawing of Trench I showing four excavated sections labelled A, C, E and g, of equal length between unexcavated sections of the same length]
[section drawing showing slope of hill with sections A, C and E labelled]
[p. 202]
We are digging independently in these 3 sections and keep the pottery separate. We go by passes or tabania of ca. 0.20 m. The first passa I call "I". All pottery is carefully gathered into baskets marked according to section AI CI EI. When the first passa is finished, the baskets are removed and empty ones substituted. These are for the 2nd passa. And will be labelled AII CII and EII.
In AI and EI, on account of the slope and washing away the pottery is likely to be a bit mixed. In CI there is a good proportion of Urfirnis.
[p. 342]
C I 0-0.25 Coarse ware. Plain yellow or buff. Ca. 12 sherds, incl. 3 round handles and 2 flat (ribbon?) handles. Also a base of small coarse bowl probably.
Coarse ware with a black or red surface ca. 17 sherds. Five of these are Urfirnis incl. a goodsized horizontal handle.
(a) with plain black paint of rather poor quality. Ca. 65 sherds. This is the characteristic pottery of C I. Some if not most on local clay. Paint flakes off easily.
Bowl shape like this is common.
[sketch of bowl]
[Tzonou-Herbst=sketch of EH bowl with incurving rim.]
Schnabelkanne also appears.
(b) Red surfaced. Some reddish brown Urfirnis I think. 19 sherds.
Bowl shape again common.
(c) Plain buff surface. Ca. 10 sherds.
(d) Decorated black on buff 1 sherd.
Minyan 8 small pieces. These are real grey-black Minyan. Also one handmade grey imitation Minyan.
Mattmalerei 3 sherds. 2 are matt black paint on dull buff surface unpainted. 1 is unpolished buff surface thin purple black line (Aeginetan?).
Mycenaean 8 sherds. LM III
Obsidian 1 flake
[MN= 144]
Period:   Late Helladic III
Chronology:   mixed, mostly EH (95 sherds out of 144), some MH and some LH III
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   -0.25m.