Corinth Basket: NB81 B27 P208
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB81 B27 P208
Area:   Korakou
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   81
Context:   27
Page:   208
Date:   1915/05/08
Stratum:   Trench I, L IV
Notes:   L IV Runs from 0.60 to 0.80 below ground. There are a good many Mycenaean sherds - some rather fine ones.
In L we are uncovering a wall which runs along w. trench. It seems elliptical, perhaps of round house. Another possible wall in this trench. We have S. end of it and a stone in line with it to S. Maybe column base?
[p. 353]
L IV 0.60-0.80
[MN= revised after redigging of L in 1916]
[James and Nakassis= this handwriting is different and it is clear that they have erased some of Blegen’s old notes here except for the entries for Mattmalerei and obsidian]
LM III painted 137 sherds
LM II " 18 sherds
Monochrome Red 22 Black 21
Unpainted buff 61 (incl. ca. 10 goblet or kylix stems)
Coarse sherds 9
Minyan 8 Gray Minyan and 1 polished black
Mattmalerei 2
Obsidian 1 piece
[MN: 135 (number crossed out) ]
[NB84, page iii]
LM II 18
Red 22
Black 21
Buff 61
Minyan 9
Matt 2
Period:   Late Helladic III
Chronology:   LH III
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   -0.8--0.6m.