Corinth Basket: NB81 B50 P224
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB81 B50 P224
Area:   Korakou
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   81
Context:   50
Page:   224
Date:   1915/06/07
Stratum:   Trench P VI
Notes:   P VI 1.20-1.40. This level very rich in sherds. Two baskets. Some Mycenaean fragments, some local Corinthian but chief feature of the level are sherds of Minyan vases. One of typical Minyan shapes can be practically restored from the pieces
[p. 225]
we found.
At level of 1.25 below ground near south end of trench we have struck a stone wall running ca. east and west. South of wall [1.30 crossed out] 1.31-1.35 below ground is a cobble stone pavement.
[p. 360]
P VI 1.20-1.40
LM III is characteristic frequent 40 or 50 sherds painted and almost as many unpainted. 3 red painted sherds of much better quality
Coarse sherds are numerous 29
Minyan is characteristic ca. 45 sherds of gray Minyan incl. parts of 3 large wide bowls.
[sketch of Minyan goblet; base of vase is circled and question marked]
[AddN on left side of vase:
wide flat handles
ringed base
2 or 5 black Minyan sherds (= black polished imitation)]
Tzonou-Herbst= The vase is published in Blegen 1921, p. 16, figure 20, now on display in the Greek Gallery, Case 40, Shelf 3 middle. The circle around the stem and foot and the questiomark is due to the fact that, as Blegen himself notes in the caption of the above figure, the stem does not join and may be from another vase.
CP 267
Mattmalerei 1 coarse sherd black on yellow green. 1 fine sherd narrow lines purple black on buff.
Coarse sherds note spout [sketch of spout]
Obsidian 4 bits
Urfirnis 3 coarse sherds
[MN: Painted LM III ca. 30, LM II (?) 6 or 8, red mon. 3, black 5, buff 40, total ca 125]
[NB 84 p. iii]
LM II 6 or 8
Red 3
Black 5
Buff 4
Minyan 45
Matt 2
Chronology:   LH III
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   -1.4--1.2m.
References:   Objects (5)