Corinth Basket: NB84 B1 P1
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB84 B1 P1
Area:   Korakou
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   84
Context:   1
Page:   1
Date:   1916/05/29
Stratum:   Trench SN, I
Notes:   C.W.B. puts 4 - 5 men to work north of trench S running a trench N. - S. from edge of bluff almost to S. The purpose of this trench is to find in general what the N. side of the bluff contains in the way of Mycenaean walls. For if there is nothing much here I propose to pile a great mass of earth all along N. edge of the bluff and then clear houses to south.
I call this trench "SN (north)" ca. 12.00 m long and 1.00 wide
Trench SN I = 0.00-0.30. Ordinary LM III, there is a considerable quantity.
In trench SN ca. 2.50 or 3.00 m. south from edge of bluff there are few stones that look as if they may be remains of a wall running E-W. South of this wall for a distance of ca. 5.00 m there is a thick layer of ashes at a depth of ca. 0.20-0.25 below ground. The ash layer seems to be bounded by another E-W wall on the South. This ash layer is probably the same as that found in a corresponding position in Trench R.
Farther South in trench SN a wall appears running N S.
At 9:10 AM I quit work in trench SN.
[p. 2]
The purpose of SN was to learn what Mycen. remains lie near the N. edge of the hill and will be covered by the earth we propose to pile up here. The area of the ash layer looks interesting undoubtedly being a continuation of the same sort of deposit in R. However, this portion of it will be covered up now with the earth we dig up from the central part of the hill. Later when we fill in again the center there will be a chance to look into the ash layer more carefully. At present I shall examine it further to the west starting eastward from R.
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   -0.3m.