Corinth Basket: NB976 B62 P139
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB976 B62 P139
Area:   Panaghia north
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   976
Context:   62
Page:   139
Date:   2006/05/22
Stratum:   Fill-robber trench?: greyish brown fill N of wall 215 w/ 30-40% inclusions from small pebbles to small cobbles. Poorly sorted, very compact & dry silty sand
Notes:   This B is an attempt to remove fill later than what will be B 64. It may be a robber trench therefore all of this B will be sieved. Large and small pick have been used.
Two coins have been found: Coin # 1: E 413.70/N 969.57/H 91.13: Coin # 2: E 413.10/N 969.62/ H 91.11
This B will be completed 23.5.2006.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. Arretine conspectus form 21 rim 1; Fineware. preroman ca. 40; Fineware. blisterware bs 1
Pottery Summary:   71 frag(s) 0.2 kg. (0% saved) fineware.
    174 frag(s) 1.32 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    62 frag(s) 0.32 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   bone unid 7; ptd plaster red 8, black 27, white 10, yellow 1 (saved to lot); burnt cut bone 1
Period:   Early Roman (44BC-1/2 2nd c AD)
Chronology:   Augustan
Grid:   412.65-410.05E, 972-973N
XMin:   410.05
XMax:   412.65
YMin:   972
YMax:   973
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   91.12-91.19m.
References:   Coin: 2006 62
Coin: 2006 63
Notebook Page: NB 976, spread 77 (pp. 138 - 139)