Corinth Basket: NB985 B2 P16
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB985 B2 P16
Area:   Panaghia north
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   985
Context:   2
Page:   16
Date:   2007/04/19
Stratum:   Hard compact soil surface. Light yellowish brown. Coarse grained weakly cemented. 15% inclusions, medium to coarse pebbles, poorly sorted. Clayey sand.
Notes:   Basket 2 continues in the area defined by NB 982 baskets 96 and 97. It was begun after basket 1 proved to be a mix of the compact soil layer and the cobbled inclusion layer. The cobbled layer appears to be sloping from W to E. This basket 2 is then an attempt to remove the entire compact soil layer in order to expose the cobble-inclusion layer beneath. Ater removing this basket, the area just north of the two well-cut stones in the NE corner of the basket revealed relatively sterile soil. This was in contrast to the rest of the basket which revealed the continuation of the tile and rock inclusion layer. As stated above, the tile inclusion surface slopes downward to the east and we observed that it continued into the area of the "tile-lined box" excavated in 2005, NB 973. It appears that this tile surface formed the bottom surface of the tile lined box. At this point, we think that the tiled lined sloping surface (which was removed in basket 3) would ate just before the use of the tile lined box. Several chunks of wall plaster was found in vast quantities in the tile dlined box area.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. Flat rim plate rim 1; Fineware. Hellenistic rim 3
Pottery Summary:   5 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (0% saved) fineware.
    28 frag(s) 0.3 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    8 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   Iron tack round head square shank 1 L. 0.03 head diam. 0.023; Bone unidentified 3; Wall plaster red 9 grey 3 (saved to lot); Lamp type 27 handle 1
Period:   Early Roman (44BC-1/2 2nd c AD)
Chronology:   Late 1st to 2nd c AD
Grid:   416.89-414.78E, 974.95-976.92N
XMin:   414.78
XMax:   416.89
YMin:   974.95
YMax:   976.92
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   91.5-91.56m.
References:   Notebook Page: NB 985, spread 13 (pp. 16 - 17)