Corinth Basket: New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field, context 137
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field, context 137
Area:   New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field
Title:   Room 10 - Pit in Northern Half
Notebook:   1111
Context:   137
Date:   2016/06/15
Description:   The context shape in plan is circular. The top break of the cut is sharp. The sides of the cut are vertical. Truncation: No.
Notes:   The 2015 excavations had uncovered a mound of medium-sized rocks in the north section of room 10. Our workmen noted a slight/diffuse difference in soil consistency right around these rocks in the shape of a circle, and suggested that we had a pit-- they were correct! We did not excavate the entirety of the pit (stopped at 57.31) so we do not know its total depth. The pit was filled by context 131; see notes on that context for further details.
Grid:   -306.09--307.05E, 1494.66-1495.7N
XMin:   -307.05
XMax:   -306.09
YMin:   1494.66
YMax:   1495.7
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   58.44m.