Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 6577
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 6577
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   fill
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1103
Context:   6577
Page:   0
Date:   2009/06/04
Stratum:   5%: stones, ceramics
Description:   The soil color is light pinkish brown. The soil compaction is loose. The soil is poorly sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   We excavated context 6577 because it appears to have filled a cut into surface 6572. The soil that we took looked different from the soil matrix around it, and below, in the provile, the line is very good, with soft, dark fill going inside of hard, red soil. For THIS event, I would speculate that the cuts into red soil (which follow the line of this cut exactly and lie directly below) and the lines of foundation trench cut 6427, as well as the later bothros/storage pit cut 6363, have impacted this soil's composition, making it soft and separated from its surrounding soil matrix. I do not interpret it as an upper fill of the cut into the red soil matrix (nor does Panos), because the line of the cut in plan was not strong (as it appears in provile for the cut into red soil). This means that in taking this level, we may have been premature, since if it's not cutting, it may be the same as context 6572 and its underlying strata.
POST-EXCAVATION NOTE, 15-06-09, S.L.: Contexts 6663 and 6649, at least one of which underlies this context, were found to contain two joining coarse incised ware body fragments of the Frankish period, dating to the mid-13th century. These sherds will stratigraphically change the dates of every context that lies above them by as much as two centuries, of which this context is one. Until it is decided whether there is some other reason that this discrepancy might have occurred (e.g., these contexts need to be situated in a different place on the Harris Matrix), the dates will remain as they have been assigned on the basis of pottery/stratigraphy prior to discovering this discrepancy.
Period:   Byzantine
Chronology:   12th century
Grid:   266.49-266.21E, 1024.49-1025.41N
XMin:   266.21
XMax:   266.49
YMin:   1024.49
YMax:   1025.41
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.27-84.38m.