Corinth Basket: South Stoa, context 161
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   South Stoa, context 161
Area:   South Stoa
Context Type:   deposit
Title:   Ash pockets/fills west of wall 38
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1109
Context:   161
Date:   2015/05/28
Stratum:   90% charcoal, 5% small fine rounded pebbles
Description:   Top slope of the context is slight down to the E. The soil color is dark brownish brown. The soil compaction is loose. The soil is poorly sorted. It is silty sand.
Notes:   This context was opened to explore the dense concentration of charcoal and ash found underneath context 16. These two roughly circular areas seam like pockets where possible post holes could have existed. The ash/charcoal may be burnt posts - although this is purely speculation due to their roundness and proximity to one another. 100% of this context will go through flotation.
They are close to FT of Wall 38. The south ash pocket was found to overlay bedrock as well as abutt the bedrock on the west. The charcoal bits range from large pebble sized to very, very small, and all of it seems to be burnt wood. This south ash fill was only a few cm, ca. 2cm.
The northern pocket is both slightly larger in size and goes slightly deeper. It too overlays bedrock as well as abutts bedrock to the west. The charcoal pieces are larger in this pocket. Otherwise, this fill is almost the same as the ash pocket to the south. \There is no cut into the bedrock to hold these ash fills, which makes the post hole theory impossible.
The northern pocket slopes on the bedrock down to the east, where the FT was cut.
Unfortunately, these two ash pockets only amounted to 4L of soil. Nevertheless, we will water sieve the remains to discover more of these ash fills. No pottery, bone, or shell was recovered while excavating, although the water sieve may find smaller pieces. We close contexts when these pockets are gone.
Period:   Hellenistic
Chronology:   npd
Grid:   325.95-325.4E, 1080.35-1081.3N
XMin:   325.4
XMax:   325.95
YMin:   1080.35
YMax:   1081.3
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   81.06-81.31m.