Corinth Lot: BONE LOT 1962 016
Title:   Remains from Painted Tomb, NE Grave
Description:   Excavated in 1962, the Painted Tomb is a Roman tomb which contained a total of 42 individuals. The tomb itself is dated to 1st half of the 2nd c. AD, but had reuse into late antiquity and some of the remains (lots 1962 016-026) date later. The bone lot cards state the following: these lot numbers are the variously preserved and oddly represented remains of apparently 27 adults, 2 adolescents, 5 children, and 6 infants. The case of the adults is curious in that the greatest count is taken from the femur and next, the humerus (21) but then the tapers quickly down to 17 (tibia). The greatest count of the short and cubical bones, however, comes from the talus (14). This situation is curious in that the smaller bones tend to collect at least as readily in the multiple graves as the larger ones. The reason fro the representation found here can then be put either to loss in ancient times or during excvation, we shall never know which. Five adults, males, could be precisely aged by pubic symphses at 31, 36, 41, 41, and 46 years of age. Four others could be described to some extent: 62-23A. A nicely reconstructed skull of a female in her early 3rd decade with a small browridge and forehead on her rather low and wide vault. There is a suggestion of rather heavy muscling present on the nuchal lines but otherwise she seems gracile. Her face has a droop contributed by the orbits, a high and narrow nose with sharp margins and very short lower face. The mandible is well-formed with high angle and small chin. Dental health was excellent. 62-23B. Fragmented extremely masculine calvarium of a male in his 40's. The skull is short and broad with a small browbridge and very little forehead and small but noticeable parietal bosses and projecting inion. 62-24D. This fragmented but reconstructed skuyll is from an extremely muscular male in his late 30's. This is made clear by the very large mastoid processes and projecting union on the occipital bone. The browridge is large as is the entire head which also thickly boned. The face is wide but the orbits rather low and the nose narrow. The chin is high and gonial eversion marked. 62-26A. The postcranial remains were separated from the other of the lot on the basis of the florid degenerative osteoarthritis present at the joints. The individual was a male aged more than 35 years but with bones still strong and solid in spite of the severe degeneration. Statue by radius: 161.284+4.66cm. The immature assemblage was counted on the basis of ascertainable ages based mostly on dental eruption status. The difficulty of differentiating fragmentary non-dental remains on the other than very general basis makes the teeth a far more preferable indicator of subadults. One additional child was aged by femoral length at 4-5 years and an adolescent by bone size and state on non-union of the epiphyses at about 16 years.
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece