Corinth Notebook Page: NB 159, spread 18 (pp. 209 - 210)
Entry:   Pg. 209, Grave 1936 101, 30/4/1936 (cont/), Drawing, Drawing of a piece of marble with a pattern
    Pg. 209, 30/4/1936 (cont/), Drawing, Drawing of a handle of a Byzantine cup
    Pg. 210, Grave 1936 98, 30/4/1936 (cont/), MF 5403, Bronze ring
    Pg. 210, Grave 1936 98, 30/4/1936 (cont/), MF 5402, Small bronze buckle
    Pg. 210, 30/4/1936 (cont/), C 1936 81, SGRAFFITO PLATE; Sherd of fine sgraffito ware
Date:   30/4/1936 (cont/)