Corinth Notebook Page: NB 246, spread 9 (pp. 7 - 8)
Entry:   Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, Lot 1016
    Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, MF 10777
    Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, C 1962 124
    Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, A 385
    Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, NB246 B1, Lot 1015
    Pg. 7, 22/5/1962, NB246 B1, MF 10784
    Pg. 8, 22/5/1962, 1962-062-06, East trench, East end, showing Southwest corner of lower mortar mass, patially covered by the mass above
Date:   22/5/1962