Corinth Object: C 1937 676
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1937 676
Category Code:   C
Year:   1937
Object Number:   676
Description:   Plate with vertical ring foot, flat narrow resting surface, flat undersurface. Shallow wide-flaring body with convex profile to oblique qound lip.
Decoration:   White slip over interior and over lip. Incised on floor: eagle to rt. with head slightly bent, hooked bill, double circles for eyes, long scaley neck and breast, wing and tail horizontal with straight lines for feathers. Surrounded by ring of double chevrons. Pale yellow glaze over slip.
Material:   Moderately fine light reddish-brown clay, rare fine sparkling and red inclusions.
Munsell Color:   Ca. 5YR 6/6
Condition:   Complete profile. Three joining frgts., complete profile. Complete foot except for chip, 2/3 body to lip; glaze partly gone.
Manufacture:   C70
Dimensions Actual:   H00.037 D00.074 (foot) D00.193 (lip)
Period:   Late Byzantine (1059-1210 AD)
Chronology:   Late Byzantine
Area:   Forum south central
Context:   NB162 P133
Provenance:   Corinth
Bibliography:   Corinth XI N1144
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, Corinth 11, 1942
Monument: Forum south central
Basket: NB162 P133