Corinth Object: MF 11562c
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 11562c
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   11562
Object Suffix:   c
Description:   There are small rust colored spots which are not identical with the patches of dirt now (Jan. 26, 1964) being eased off. The lead packing is partly in orignial condition, partly powdery and crumbling. Where the lead packing has come away details of the relief work are visible, such as the head, hand and drapery of the central figure.
List of relief fragments: 1. Head and breast of first woman, 2. the body of the first woman, all of the second woman except her foot, the rocks on which the two are seated, and the tree trunk, 3. the right side of the head of the third woman, her right hand and right breast, 4. The left side of the head of the third woman, 5. the left arm of the third woman, 6. the body of the third woman, breast to toes, 7. part of the right foot of first woman, 8. part of right foot of second woman, 9. top of tree trunk, 10. leaf-shaped fragment, place in composition not identified.
Decoration:   Description of relief:
The first woman:
On the left side, a woman seated on a rock in profile, right, except for the neck and breast which are in three-quarter's view. With both hands she fixes the hair of the second woman. Only her right arm shows; the depth of relief from elbow to hand gives the impression of her left arm and hand. Her right foot is advanced; the ankle and heel of the left foot appear drawn back below the drapery. She wears chiton and himation. Fine folds of the chiton appear behind her elbow and under the himation, behind the right foot and partly concealing the left. The himation is wound about the waste in a heavy roll, is tightly drawn about the body from waste to knee, and hangs from the knee to just above the ankles. Her hair frames her face in a roll tucked in around a band. Fine incision for hair on the crown of the head.
The second woman:
seated on a rock, leaning back indolently resting the small of her back on the knees of the first woman. Her head is in profile, right, upper torso in three quarters view, lower torso in profile. A himation covers her legs. The free end of the himation is draped on th erock in curving folds, disappears behind her back, is pulled up to her right shoulder by her right hand, diappears again down her back, and is pulled out at her waste by her left hand in such a way as to frame her body from waste to knee against a background of drapery. Her face is framed by a braid, the end of which is arranged in a coiffure by the first woman. Fine ridges define the strands of hair on the crown of the head.
The third woman:
On the other side of the tree stands the third woman facing the specator, her right leg crossed in front of her left, which supports most most of her weight. She wears a chiton whose folds appear below the hem of the himation over her right foot. The enveloping folds of the himation are controlled by the gestures of the hands. The right hand pulls a fold of the himation up to the cheek; her left hand is at her waist and may be pulling the himation taut; the free end is wound about the left arm and falls in folds from the lef wrist down below the knee.
The Landscape:
Rocks and a tree mean a country scene. The rock on which the first woman sits is slightly modelled. The surface of the other rock is shown by hollows and bumps. The tree trunk has enough irregularities in outline to distinguish it from a pillar; the start of the branch is preserved.
Condition:   Fragment. The fragmentary reliefs are in poor condition. Bronze disease has broken out in the centers of many of the blisters which disfigure the reliefs. The fabric varies from solid and strong to thin and brittle and is cracked in places.
Area:   Anaploga
Context:   Anaploga
Site:   Anaploga
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Anaploga
Basket: Anaploga