Corinth Object: MF 12090
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 12090
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   12090
Description:   Subhemispherical bowl. Straight rim following curve of vessel, rounded lip. Grose Type C.
Decoration:   Exterior: four preserved ribs, mostly vertical and parallel, 0.008-0.009 at top tapering to 0.004-0.005 at bottom, spaced about 0.01 apart, Interior: wheel cut horizontal groove at lip, two wheel cut horizontal grooves at bottom of preserved fragment about even with bottom of the ribs.
Material:   Light green glass. Common small to medium bubbles throughout. Horizontal wheel striations, esp. at rim.
Condition:   Fragment. 1 fragment. Rim (10%) and upper body. Some brown patina on interior, light iridescence all over.
Manufacture:   Cast, wheel-cut
Dimensions Preserved:   L. 0.055, H. 0.062, Th. of rim 0.003
Dimensions Restored:   Diam. of rim 0.15
Period:   Early Roman (44BC-1/2 2nd c AD)
Chronology:   Corinth XII #595
Area:   Oakley south
Context:   NB293 B3 P149
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Oakley south