Corinth Object: MF 2006 5
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 2006 5
Category Code:   MF
Year:   2006
Object Number:   5
Description:   Sickle with a crescent shaped blade and a shaft continuing straight from handle. Shaft slightly increases in width toward the flange. Crescent begins at flange. Near the junction of blade to handle there is an iron band (pres. W. 0.024) that probably secured a wooden sheathing. Similar to MF-1974-37.
Material:   Iron
Condition:   Missing parts. Nearly intact; small pieces missing from the bottom and perhaps from the point. Corroded.
Manufacture:   HM. Hammered sheet.
Dimensions Actual:   L. horizontal 0.113, W. below band 0.023, W. above flange 0.028, W. below flange 0.029, W. at flange 0.037, Th. 0.005
Dimensions Preserved:   L. vertical 0.159
Period:   2nd c. B.C.
Chronology:   Terminus ante quem based on pottery
Area:   Panaghia north
Context:   NB976 B70 P157, LOT 2006 006
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Panaghia north
Image: bw 2006 019 22
Image: digital 2014 1008
Basket: NB976 B70 P157