Corinth Publication: Williams, Hesperia 47:1, 1978a
Collection:   Corinth
Name:   Williams, Hesperia 47:1, 1978a
Title:   Corinth 1977, Forum Southwest
Author:   Williams, Charles K.
Series Title:   Hesperia
Volume:   47:1
Month:   March
Date:   1978
Abstract:   The following report presents the results of the 1977 spring excavation in the southwest corner of the Corinthian forum. Included are the excavation of a stele shrine which was established in the first half of the 6th century B.C. over the ruins of a private building. Excavation also revealed part of a building of the first half of the 5th century B.C. 25 m. northwest of the shrine. In the ruins were found transport amphoras from Spain, Chios, and Mende. The Punic amphoras from Spain, apparently, were used as containers for the import of dried or salted fish. More of the north-south road to Acrocorinth was cleared this year. The earliest levels appear to have been used during the first half of the 5th century B.C. In the Roman period the road was re-established slightly closer to the west end of the South Stoa. All subsequent roads followed the Roman course until the early 20th century after Christ. Three Roman phases were distinguished in the building that formed the west side of the road. The west side again was lined with buildings in the Byzantine period. At least five phases of construction were distinguished. The first probably should not be dated before the 10th century after Christ. The remains of two Frankish architectural phases of overbuilding here have proved to be insignificant, although one good deposit of 13th century Frankish pottery was recovered from the area.
Page:   1-39
Area:   Forum southwest
References:   Image: digital 2014 11160
Objects (4)