"Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Redirect","Id","dc-date","Type","Chronology","dc-title","Icon","Collection","UserLevel","dc-description","dc-creator" "Agora XXX, no. 7","Red Figured And White Ground | One-Piece Amphorae | Pictures Not Framed","","","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:7","","Object","Ca. 440-430 B.C.","","","Agora","","Mended with missing pieces restored in plaster and painted, notably sections of the lower part of the body. Glaze abraded around handle B/A. H. 0.563; rest. diam. 0.415. T. L. Shear, Hesperia 7, 1938, p. 345, fig. 28; R. R. Holloway, Archaeology 19, 1966, p. 115, fig. 4; Beck, Album, pl. 47:256 (A); Goddess and Polis, p. 50, fig. 31 (A); Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 440, cat. no. PE 22, pl. 88.; ; A, chariot team to left and Nike (victor at the Panathenaia). The charioteer (head, part of arms missing), dressed in a long chiton, leans forward, holding the reins in both hands as well as a goad in his right. Most of the chariot is missing, also parts of the horses, chiefly their muzzles and foreparts. The outstretched position of their hind legs and tails makes clear that they are galloping. On the right-hand side of the team, Nike, dressed in a long chiton with a sakkos on her head, flies toward the victor, holding out a Panathenaic amphora. Above, a chain of upright lotuses and encircled palmettes; below, stopped-maeander pattern with saltire-squares. B, king and Nike. The goddess, dressed in a long chiton with a himation over it, stands to right, holding a phiale in her outstretched right hand. Most of her face, the lower part of her body and legs, and a bit of her wings are missing. The king faces her, wearing a himation, and he holds a scepter in his outstretched right hand. Part of his body and his lower legs are lost. Above, a zone of diagonally addorsed palmettes; below, maeander pattern (part of one unit). On side of mouth, ivy (reserved) with berries. Around the root of each handle, tongue pattern. Relief contour on Side A. White (flaked): stems and berries of ivy vine.; ; For the ivy on the mouth of a one-piece amphora, see the one in Kos (RM 93, 1986, pl. 40; JdI 102, 1987, p. 117, fig. 39; Hayashi, Triptolemosbildes, pl. 7); also 12.; ; The Peleus Painter (ARV1 687, 12; ARV2 1040, 18; Addenda 319).","" "Agora 30, s. 154, p. 135","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-154","","PublicationPage","440-430 B.C.; 460 B.C.","Pit","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-154::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 154 (135).png::1438::2048","Agora","","Agora 30","" "Agora XXX, no. 704","Red Figured And White Ground | Oinochoai | Shape 3 | Small","","","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:704","","Object","Ca. 425-400 B.C.","","","Agora","","Shoulder fragment with thin, brown wash on inside near bottom. Max. dim. 0.043. Choes and Anthesteria, p. 80, cat. no. 170, fig. 287.; ; Youth (filleted head, much of torso, start of left arm, right hand) spinning a top. In his right hand he holds a whip with two long thongs at one end. Dilute glaze: muscles. White: fillet. Red: thongs of whip.; ; Van Hoorn (Choes and Anthesteria, no. 170 and p. 45) recognized the subject. See also the brief mention by Beck, Album, p. 47 and by Rühfel, Kinderleben, p. 55. For well-preserved examples, see Baltimore, Johns Hopkins G 3730 by Douris (ARV2 445, 251, Addenda 241; Buitron-Oliver, Douris, p. 85, cat. no. 239, pl. 111), Brussels A 891 from the workshop of Sotades (ARV2 771, 2; Addenda 287), and Tübingen S./10 814 = E 78, formerly attributed to the Painter of London E 777 (ARV1 463, 5; not in ARV2; CVA, Tübingen 5 [Deutschland 54], pl. 41 [2658]:4, 6, 7).",""