"dc-title","Icon","UserLevel","Collection","dc-description","dc-creator","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Redirect","Id","Chronology","dc-date","Type" "Sketch of the south side of the Agora, restored.","Agora:Drawing:DA 4541::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/04000-04999/DA 4541.jpg::0::0","","Agora","Pencil on tracing paper. See further the revised version (PD 729), in wash, neg. no. XLII-7, Hesperia 19 (1950), pl. 59. Scanned. DB: 90 (05/03/2001)","John Travlos","PD 638 (DA 4541)","Site | By Area | South | Plans and Drawings","","","Agora:Drawing:DA 4541","","1946","Drawing" "Odeion: Giant (No. 9) and Triton (No. 1).","Agora:Drawing:DA 4560::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/04000-04999/DA 4560.jpg::0::0","","Agora","Scanned. DB: 89 (12/03/2001)","John Travlos","PD 108 (DA 4560)","Site | By Area | Central | Odeion | Plans and Drawings","","","Agora:Drawing:DA 4560","","1947","Drawing" "Restored plan, showing the Library of Pantainos (right), street leading to Roman Agora (center) and the south end of the Stoa of Attalos (left). Photograph of an earlier version.","Agora:Drawing:DA 285::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 285.jpg::0::0","","Agora","Photo of watercolor; Photograph of an earlier version","John Travlos","PD 273-c (DA 285)","Site | By Area | East | Library of Pantainos | Plans and Drawings","","","Agora:Drawing:DA 285","","1946","Drawing"