"Redirect","dc-subject","dc-description","Icon","Chronology","Type","dc-title","dc-date","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","Id","Collection","dc-publisher" "","","Inscribed fragment.; Smooth left face and picked bottom with part of tenon preserved.; Broken above, behind, and to right.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Prytany Decree Fragment","12 May 1950","","I 6299","","Agora:Object:I 6299","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment, broken from a large stele.; Part of heading and lists of names by demes preserved.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Prytany Decree Fragment","11 April 1953","","I 6600","","Agora:Object:I 6600","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment of Herm.; Broken off above and below; the left side of the inscribed face missing.; Seven lines of the inscription preserved, half of an eighth below.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Herm Fragment: Prytany List","26 January 1938","","I 5168","","Agora:Object:I 5168","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment.; A hunk of stone with letters on a very rough surface. Edges and back very rough, but may be contemporary with inscription.; Conglomerate; mortgage Horos.; Five lines of the inscription preserved.","","","Object","Marble Fragment","13 June 1947","","I 6013","","Agora:Object:I 6013","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment of Herm stele.; Part of right side preserved; otherwise broken.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Marble Fragment","22 April 1959","","I 6867","","Agora:Object:I 6867","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment.; Broken above and below.; Part of back very smoothly worn, perhaps preserves original thickness.; Left side preserved, polished surface. Part of right side possibly preserved, although surface somewhat eroded.; In right face a roughly worked vertical slot. Face of block worn smooth in spots. Left and right edges rounded off by this wear.; Probably prytany list of names.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Marble Fragment: List of Names","3 May 1950","","I 6294","","Agora:Object:I 6294","Agora","" "","","Inscribed base.; The basis has been reworked, probably as an altar, with well-worked mouldings on two sides and front where a cross has also been cut.; Two holes have been hacked in the front, and the arms of the cross broken. The ancient back, modern bottom, is rough picked; the ancient bottom, modern back, is broken away. The upper part of the ancient front is irregularly rough picked, but no letters seem to have been destroyed.; Honorary monument.; Three lines of the inscription preserved, with traces of a fourth below.; Pentelic marble.","","","Object","Base","3 May 1934","","I 1936","","Agora:Object:I 1936","Agora","" "","","Inscribed fragment.; Inscribed face only preserved.; Hymettian marble.; ; ADDENDA Probably belongs with I 6166.","","","Object","Prytany Decree Fragment","29 April 1949","","I 6161","","Agora:Object:I 6161","Agora",""