"Redirect","Name","dc-publisher","Id","dc-title","Chronology","dc-creator","Collection","dc-subject","Type","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","UserLevel" "","AO 141","","Agora:Object:AO 141","Ostrakon of Themistokles Neokleos","","","Agora","","Object","31 May 1937","Agora:Image:2012.02.7390::/Agora/2012/2012.02/2012.02.7390.jpg::3011::2114","Brown sherd inscribed on outside in two lines. Inscription scratched o inside and then erased.","" "","AO 100","","Agora:Object:AO 100","Ostrakon of Themistokles Neokleos","","","Agora","","Object","31 May 1937","Agora:Image:2007.01.1464::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.1464.tif::2106::1875","Kylix base with black glaze. Inscribed on bottom. Final Σ of name omitted.","" "","P 5285","","Agora:Object:P 5285","Oinochoe Fragment","","","Agora","","Object","16 March 1935, 30 May 1938","","From the shoulder of a round-bodied pot. Mended from two pieces. Part of a panel, bordered below and to the left by three lines. Horse left. In field, guilloche, zigzag and lozenges. Below, vertical wavy lines.; ; Pinkish buff clay; creamy slip; dull black glaze, much peeled.; ; Fragment b) shoulder fragment, a horse grazing to left with diamond filler below its neck. Below are three lines with vertical zigzags beneath them. Flaky black glaze.","" "","P 8522","","Agora:Object:P 8522","White Ground Panathenaic Amphora: Inscribed","","","Agora","","Object","4, 12 June 1936","Agora:Image:2007.01.1676::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.1676.tif::1280::2380","Fragmentary; the base is missing and most of the shoulder. Traces of a missing handle. Restored in plaster. On the neck, palmettes above a ridge; vertical lines below. ; A: Athena moving right, wearing a peplos with broad central fold and tail behind. Behind her a post, with traces of letters; in front of her, a column crowned by a Ionic capital, inscribed . She carries an uncertain object. ; B: Apollo, moving right, wearing a long chiton, and playing a cithara. ; ; Red clay, covered with two layers of white slip, and decorated in red matte paint.","" "","P 9242","","Agora:Object:P 9242","Amphora Fragment with Graffito","","","Agora","","Object","15-26 May 1936","","Fragment from neck. ; ; Fairly deeply scratched, well up on neck: ; ; Fabric as SS 6918 and SS 6919. Inside pitched. ; ; A number of fragments with similar incomplete straight line graffiti, left in tin.","" "","I 5629","","Agora:Object:I 5629","Mortgage or Boundary Stone Fragment","","","Agora","","Object","22 November 1938","","Inscribed fragment.; Parts of side, top and back preserved, roughly worked (?).; Boundary stone of private house (?).; Five lines of the inscription preserved.; Hymettian marble.","" "","AO 82","","Agora:Object:AO 82","Ostrakon of Themistokles Neokleos","","","Agora","","Object","31 May 1937","Agora:Image:2008.01.0460::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0460.tif::2852::2569","Black glaze. Kylix base. Slightly chipped on one edge. Inscribed on bottom in two lines.","" "","P 12658","","Agora:Object:P 12658","Storage Amphora Fragment with Graffito","","","Agora","","Object","6 May 1938","","Neck of amphora; most of rim and lower half of one handle missing. Flaring rim.; ; Graffito under one handle: ; ; Gritty yellow clay.",""