"Name","Type","dc-title","Chronology","dc-description","dc-date","dc-subject","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","Icon","dc-publisher","Id","Collection" "H 10-11:1","Deposit","Grading fill of Old Bouleuterion","6th c. B.C.","Lower fill:; See Deposit G-I 11-12, where the finds are again listed.; Dug as Tholos Trench A, Layer VI, no finds.; Dug as Tholos Trench C, Layer IV+Va, A 756, A 757, P 10507.; Dug as Tholos Trench N, Layer III, no finds.; ; See Deposit G-H 10-11, where the finds are again listed.; Cut S. of Metroon, Layer XII, (Section Β), P 5878, L 1866.; ; Under Propylon, Layer III, no finds.; ; Upper fill:; Dug as Tholos Trench A, Layer V, no finds.; Dug as Tholos Trench N, Layer II, no finds.","21 April 1937; 22-26 May 1937; 18 February 1938; 19 March 1938","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:H 10-11:1","Agora" "G 13:13","Deposit","Pit","Late 5th c. B.C.","Circular pit uncovered in Early Building II, south of Room E latrine, adjacent to the preserved latrine floor surface. Continues beneath the latrine surface and the western scarp (unexcavated). Fill relatively loose with a large amount of ash and bones, much cooking ware. ; Appears to be cut into surrounding harder fills. Excavated elev. 57.83-57.63m, stopped at end of season (continues deeper). Some material from this pit removed with Lot Γ 399 above.; ; Revised 2008.; At least three layers of fill.; Layer I 57.98-57.87m, harder fill with what appeared to be decomposing mudbrick.; Layer II 58.02-57.65m, softer filling streaked with ash and small bones.; Layer II 57.61-57.45m, large tiles and substantial fragments of amphora.; ; This pit seemed to be cut into surrounding harder fills that were also of the 4th c. B.C., including scattered votive deposit G 13:14 above.; ; Pottery Lot: Γ XXIII T400","2-3 August 2007 ; 26 June- 15 July 2008","","","","Laura Gawlinski","Agora:Image:2008.15.0099::/Agora/2008/2008.15/2008.15.0099.tif::4368::2912","","Agora:Deposit:G 13:13","Agora" "G-H 11-12","Deposit","","","G-H 11-12 was probably extended to G-I and is hereafter G-I 11-12.","","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:G-H 11-12","Agora" "E-F 2-3:2","Deposit","Fill","Prehistoric to Roman","N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. ; Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road running out of the square and of the stoa that bordered it to the north; explanatory cut at the west boundary of the excavated area.; No subdivisions are given but the layers are dated over the three areas as follows:; Area of Road:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st-2nd c. A.D.; Layer III-IV: 1st c. A.D.; Layer V-VI: 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.; Layer VII-VIII: 3rd-early 4th c. B.C.; Area of Stoa:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st c. A.D. (?); Layer III: 1st c. B.C.; Layer IV: 4th-3rd c. B.C.; Layer V-VIII: 4th c. B.C.; Layer IX: late 5th-first half 4th c. B.C.; Layer X: 6th-5th c. B.C., Geometric; Layer XI-XVIII: prehistoric to Neolithic (?); Area North of Stoa:; Layer I: early Roman; Layer II: late 3rd-early 4th c. A.D.; Layer III-VI: 4th c. B.C.; Layer VII: early 5th c. B.C.; Layer VIII: 5th c. B.C., Geometric, Helladic; Layer IX: Late-Middle Helladic; ; See also cut on 20m. line (F-G 3:1).","7 March-1 April 1939","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:E-F 2-3:2","Agora" "E 29:4","Deposit","House of Greek Mosaic","Early 3rd c. B.C.","Stroses I, II, III, IV in Court J (below marble chip layer), House of Greek Mosaic.; No independently datable objects.","23-24 June 1964","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:E 29:4","Agora" "T 22:3","Deposit","Well","Late 4th/early 5th AD","Well cut into bedrock, associated with late Roman building G in ΕΛ 1.2m in diameter, narrows to 0.5m at bottom. Disturbed by later pits at top. Excavated from 85.77-79.25m (6.52m), but bedrock at 85.91m may have been the original elevation of the mouth. Upper portion originally lined; collapsed lining found in Layer V. Six layers of dumped fills and one period of use fill. Water table at ca. 82.55m.; Layers:; I. (85.77-84.94m) mixed rocky fill.; II. (84.94-83.92m) dark fill with tiles.; III. (83.92-83.75m) dark compact fill, less tiles.; IV. (83.75-83.07m) rocky, sandy fill (excavated in two baskets, seasons 2002-2003).; V. (83.07-82.55m) browner sandy fill with tiles.; VI. (82.55-80.75m) water table, grayer fill.; POU; VII. (80.75-79.25m) dark fill, whole jugs and water jars.","14 June-31 July 31 2002, 25 June-3 July, 2003","FixChildren","","","","Agora:Image:2004.04.0034::/Agora/2004/2004.04/2004.04.0034.tif::1571::1549","","Agora:Deposit:T 22:3","Agora" "F-G 10-11","Deposit","Bouleuterion Plateia Fills","5th c. B.C.-3rd c. A.D.","Accumulated fillings in the Bouleutrion Plateia beginning in late 5th c. B.C. and continuing into the 3rd c. A.D., reaching a depth of 0.20-0.30m. (Hesp. 6 (1937), p. 168.","","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F-G 10-11","Agora" "F-G 3:1","Deposit","Fill","Protogeometric to Late Roman","N-S Cut on 20m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa); various levels and dates over the three areas.; Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road that bordered it to the north.; No subdivisions are given but the layers and of the stoa are dated over the three areas as follows:; Area of Road:; Layer I- IV and pit below Layer I: 1st c. A.D.; Layer V: ""Augustan""; Layer VI: chiefly 4th c. B.C., with later (1st c. B.C.); Layer VII: 4th c. B.C.; Area of Stoa:; Layer I: Early Roman; Layer II: Hellenistic; Layer III: 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.; Layer IV: 7th-3rd c. B.C.; Layer V: 8th-7th c. B.C.; Plundered trench of early N-S wall: geometric to 4th c. B.C.; Area North of Stoa:; Habitation earth above gravel: gray minyan, protogeometric; ; See also cut on 50m. line (E-F 2-3:2).","24 February-6 March 1939","","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F-G 3:1","Agora"