"Icon","dc-description","Type","Id","dc-date","Collection","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","Name","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator" "","Mended and complete. Glaze abraded on one handle. H. 0.065; diam. at rim 0.19; diam. of tondo 0.106; diam. of foot 0.08. Themelis, Agora: Guide, fig. opp. p. 62; M. Lang, Socrates in the Agora (Agora Picture Book 17), Princeton 1978, fig. 11; S. Roberts, Hesperia 55, 1986, p. 16, cat. no. 22, p. 17, fig. 9, pl. 4 (outside).; ; I, two boxers. The left one comes in to strike the final blow against his opponent, who is down on one knee to right, looking back, his right arm raised with the forefinger extended, the others folded in a gesture of defeat. Each is nude. Inscribed behind victor: ; ; Reserved line for tondo border. Preliminary sketch. Relief contour. Incised line for contour of hair, drawn twice for victor. Red: inscription.; ; The gesture of the underdog's right hand, fisted but for the index finger extended, occurs in various contexts and may have different meanings. See the general discussion by G. Neumann, Gesten und Gebärden in der griechischen Kunst, Berlin 1965, pp. 17--22; E. Vermeule, Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry, Berkeley 1979, p. 160 and p. 246, note 21; and the abstract of a paper read by Ann Steiner at the annual convention of the AIA in December 1982 (AJA 87, 1983, p. 261).; ; Epiktetos (ARV2 76, 82; Addenda 168).","Object","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:1514","","Agora","","Ca. 500 B.C.","","Agora XXX, no. 1514","Red Figured And White Ground | Cups | Type B | Decorated On Inside Only","","",""