"Icon","Name","dc-description","dc-date","Collection","dc-publisher","Type","dc-subject","Chronology","Id","dc-creator","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-title" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-14-266::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 014/Agora 014 266 (241).png::1454::2048","Agora 14, s. 266, p. 241","Agora 14","","Agora","","PublicationPage","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-14-266","","","","Plato, Kritias, 112b, 117b" "","A-B 19-20:1","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947","Agora","","Deposit","","4th. c.-86 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1","","","","Great Drain South" "","Q 13:3","Roman Water Mill: construction fill in footing trench of mill race wall","","Agora","","Deposit","","450-475 A.D.","Agora:Deposit:Q 13:3","","","","Roman Water Mill Construction Fill" "","H-K 12-14","Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","","Agora","","Deposit","","To ca. 180 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14","","","","Middle Stoa Building Fill" "","D-E 18-19","West Road and Drain. (Road, drain and closely related cuts.) Packing in line of ancient road running along the northwest shoulder of the Areopagus. Includes excavation of 1957 titled ""Road Area to North"", ""North cut road area"", ""North cut, west of road"", (not including ""Roman Bath"" or ""area of A7"" notations).","18-19 April 1939; 25 May-23 June 1939; 4 April- 29 May 1957","Agora","","Deposit","","Late 6th c. B.C. - Roman","Agora:Deposit:D-E 18-19","","","","Road" "Agora:NotebookPage:ΚΚ-11-42::/Agora/Notebooks/ΚΚ/ΚΚ 011/ΚΚ 011 042 (2175-2176).jpg::2048::1702","ΚΚ-11-42 (pp. 2175-2176)","ΚΚ-11","","Agora","","NotebookPage","","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΚΚ-11-42","","","","Hephaisteion Grave XLIV" "","O-Q 18-19","Destruction debris in Late Roman Buildings on Lower N slope of Areopagus (see summaries under M-Q 17-21).; Over 130 coins came from this filling, of which some 51 survived in a condition to permit accurate identification and many of those belong to Greek times.","","Agora","","Deposit","","6th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:O-Q 18-19","","","","Destruction Debris" "Agora:NotebookPage:ΚΚ-11-41::/Agora/Notebooks/ΚΚ/ΚΚ 011/ΚΚ 011 041 (2173-2174).jpg::2048::1679","ΚΚ-11-41 (pp. 2173-2174)","ΚΚ-11","","Agora","","NotebookPage","","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΚΚ-11-41","","","","Concordance of Tomb Numbers"