"dc-date","dc-creator","dc-description","Icon","dc-subject","Name","Chronology","Collection","dc-publisher","Type","Id","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-title" "","","Shoulder fragment with turn of body. Max. dim. 0.088. M. Lang, Graffiti in the Athenian Agora (Agora Picture Book 14), rev. ed., Princeton 1988, p. 13, fig. 34; R. Lamberton and S. Rotroff, Birds of the Athenian Agora (Agora Picture Book 22), Princeton 1985, p. 20, fig. 38.; ; The Battle between the Pygmies and the Cranes. At the left is a bit of the outspread wing, arched neck, and the head of a crane, then a pygmy (top of head, lower right leg missing) to right, a round shield seen from the inside carried on his left arm. Next is another crane (head missing), also to right, seemingly unperturbed; and on the far right, a pygmy (head and arms missing but for contour of right arm just at the break), down on one knee, attacking a crane. There is rough terrain beneath the feet of the first pygmy. Reserved line below figures. Relief contour. Dilute glaze: muscles of pygmies; cover feathers of crane.; ; The closest parallel to the scene on 593 is the one on the shoulder of a kalpis by the Leningrad Painter, Bologna 169 (ARV2 571, 80). For the subject, see RE XXIII2, cols. 2064--2074, esp. 2065--2070, s.v. Pygmaioi (E. Wüst); LIMC VII, 1994, pp. 594--601, s.v. Pygmaioi (V. Dasen).; ; Earlier Mannerists, viii: Undetermined (ARV2 587, 63; Addenda 263).","","Red Figured And White Ground | Hydriai | Kalpis | Picture On The Shoulder","Agora XXX, no. 593","Ca. 470-460 B.C.","Agora","","Object","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:593","","","" "January-February 1936","","Whole jar missing part of toe, one handle and most of mouth; rather tall thin rim without drip; no groove preserved on neck; missing tip, old breaks.; Capacity: (mbw poly 24.vii.89, part calc.) 30.430; Capacity: (revised from wheat VG 1939 of 29.925) 30.550.","Agora:Image:2012.51.0567::/Agora/2012/2012.51/2012.51.0567.jpg::1549::2048","Amphoras | Knidian","SS 6604","","Agora","","Object","Agora:Object:SS 6604","","","Stamped Amphora: Knidian" "2 May 1934","","Complete and entire save for a puncture in the side; groove ca. 0.07m. long, 0.05m. below rim; tip extends 0.05m. below ring. Shape similar to SS 3213.; Capacity (corrected from 29.875 wheat, VG 1939) 30.500; Capacity (mbw) 30.880.; ; Coarse red clay, fired pale yellow on the outside.; ; Both handles bear the same stamp.; Cf. Dumont (1872), p. 179, no. 229.","Agora:Image:2007.01.3300::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.3300.tif::1158::2370","Amphoras | Knidian","SS 3219","","Agora","","Object","Agora:Object:SS 3219","","","Stamped Amphora: Knidian"