"dc-date","Icon","Chronology","Id","Type","Collection","dc-title","dc-description","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Redirect" "27 July-2 August 1982","","Ca. 115-75","Agora:Deposit:J 2:1","Deposit","Agora","Well West of N-S Street","Well West of N-S Street.","","J 2:1","","Archaic-Classical","","" "14 July-9 August 1989; 2-13 July 1990","Agora:Image:2012.77.1034::/Agora/2012/2012.77/2012.77.1034.jpg::2048::1373","","Agora:Deposit:J 3:4","Deposit","Agora","Byzantine Well at J/3-3/3,4 in ΒΖ","A well in the courtyard (Room 8) of a Byzantine House of Period II. The well was covered by a large squared poros wellhead and a marble puteal (apparently neither inventoried). Within the well shaft, the stratified deposit produced two dumped filings of debris that resulted from two distinct destructions, and these were separated by a filling that had accumulated during the Byzantine period of use. A smaller amount of fill at the very bottom of the shaft gave evidence for an earlier period of use of latest Roman date (Hesp. 66 (1997), p. 528).","","J 3:4","","Archaic-Classical","","" "14 June-27 July 1971","Agora:Image:2007.11.1126::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.1126.tif::3504::2053","","Agora:Deposit:J 5:1","Deposit","Agora","Crossroads Well","Located at the bifurcation of the Panathenaic Way and West Road.Byzantine fill (9th-10th century) in upper 5.70m. with a series of Classical to Hellenistic accumulations below.","","J 5:1","","","","" "3 July 1971","","Late 5th c.-300 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:J 5:1.4","Deposit","Agora","Lower Accumulation and POU","Represents excavated levels V-IX.","","J 5:1.4","","","","" "19-24 May 1933","","Late 2nd-early 3rd c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:J 12:2","Deposit","Agora","Well","Empty to 4.00m. From there to 9.20m. much coarse pottery, stucco fragments, animal bones, lead defixiones. ... The presence of fragments of stelae and architectural members near bottom point to dumped filling or perhaps well in use only briefly.","","J 12:2","","","","" "22 June-13 July 1989","","Byzantine","Agora:Deposit:K 2:3","Deposit","Agora","Well in Byzantine Room 9","Well in Byzantine Room 9. Excavation of the well terminated at 49.00m. due to cave-in danger. Topped by a stone sill and marble putael, the upper part of well is of Byzantine-period stone masonry; lower part lined with tiles. ; Sides of well starting caving in, hence well not completely dug.","","K 2:3","","","","" "24 April-13 May 1940","","3rd-4th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:K 20:1","Deposit","Agora","Late Roman Hole","Upper fill (top to around 4.50m.) was in a pit of large dimensions above the preserved well shaft. From the bottom and shaft proper no catalogued pottery. No tiling in place in well but fragments of tiles in fill.","","K 20:1","","","","" "2 August 1971; 4-6 July 1973; 27 June-11 July 1980","","","Agora:Deposit:L 5:2","Deposit","Agora","Debris Pit","""Debris Pit"" beneath starting line in Panathenaic Way.; Dug as ; Trench B (1971), pp. 1631-1649 (notebook not seen, PF);; finds record both Layer 28 and beneath Layer 28.; Trench I, pit 16a, (1973), pp. 3010-3022.; E. Trench (1980), pp. 3802-3811, 3815.; ; -Top of pit is thick sloping layer of almost pure dug bedrock with very few sherds.; -Below fill consisted of red clay from disintegrated mud brick, mixed with charcoal in large quantities. ; -Comes down on masses of rubble, architectural fragments worked and unworked pieces of poros marble, stones, roof tiles.","","L 5:2","","","",""