"Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon","dc-description","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Id","Type","dc-publisher","Collection" "","A 4546","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Screens and Revetments","Agora:Image:2013.04.9105::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9105.tif::2184::1456","Right and left edges only preserved. Other edges broken. The menorah and a palm branch are deeply incised on a thin piece of revetment; apparently placed symmetrically on thin strip of revetment. The right side has a slight convex curvature.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA From a gravestone (JB, 8 April 1982).","","8 May 1933","Revetment Fragment with Menorah","","","Agora:Object:A 4546","Object","","Agora" "","A 4804","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Various","Agora:Image:2012.79.0454::/Agora/2012/2012.79/2012.79.0454.jpg::1364::2048","Broken at ends and top, less than half of the left side of the eye is preserved. The curved eyeball is framed by upper and lower eyelids in the form of flat bands raised 0.01m. above the outer edge of the eye. The upper surface is polished and smooth except in places where the surface has been broken away. The back is flat, and left rough. Probably the left eye.; Marble.; Cf. A 3811, from well G 11:3, eye from early 5th c. B.C., also in the Tholos precinct. ; On marble ship's eye cf. AchEph (1978), pp. 119-135, and De Vreis and Katsev (1972).","","25 January 1991","Ship's Eye Fragment","","","Agora:Object:A 4804","Object","","Agora" "","A 1681","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Screens and Revetments","","Rough-picked behind; sawn above. In low relief on face, a flame palmette.; Northeast Stoa series.; Pentelic marble.","","July 1950","Revetment Fragment","","","Agora:Object:A 1681","Object","","Agora" "","A 1682","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Screens and Revetments","","Rough-picked behind, sawn at edge. ; Apparently from border of a panel with plain fillet and border molding. Traces of burning.; Northeast Stoa series.; Pentelic marble.","","July 1950","Revetment Fragment","","","Agora:Object:A 1682","Object","","Agora" "","A 1769","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Sun Dials","","The upper left corner preserved, with smooth-dressed top and back, broken below and at right.; The left side is decorated with a leaf pattern carved in low relief. On the face, a little of the dial remains, and a socket for attaching the pointer.; Dial surface spherical.; Pentelic marble.","","12 April 1951","Sundial Fragment","","","Agora:Object:A 1769","Object","","Agora" "","A 1869","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Sun Dials","Agora:Image:2012.82.1855::/Agora/2012/2012.82/2012.82.1855.jpg::2048::1019","Stone broken at bottom, right, back and top. Smooth finished left edge with beginning of curved molding near top. Incised lined divide a half circle into twelve units. Lightly scratched letters near center edge of circle. Dial surface plane.; The letter Β and upper half of lunate Ε, are really clear. Scratches in fourth position in no way resemble a Δ.; Hymettian marble.","","25 June 1951","Sundial Fragment: Inscribed","","","Agora:Object:A 1869","Object","","Agora" "","A 1870","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Sun Dials","","Rough-picked bottom, right side and front preserved. Part of concave surface with arcs marked off by incised lines. Recessed surface outside the concave surface of dial.; Uncertain if conical or spherical dial surface.; Pentelic marble.","","2 July 1951","Sundial Fragment","","","Agora:Object:A 1870","Object","","Agora" "","A 1910","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Various","Agora:Image:2012.53.1076::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1076.jpg::2048::1577","A bar of marble, intact, smoothed on all surfaces.; Top and one vertical edge slightly rounded and marked by a single deep groove; bottom contains hole in which lead is still preserved for holding a two-pronged clamp or dowel.; Pentelic marble.","","1937","Slab","","","Agora:Object:A 1910","Object","","Agora"