"Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","Redirect","dc-creator","Icon","Id","UserLevel","Type","dc-date","Collection" "Ca. 430-400 B.C.; Late 1st c. B.C.-mid 1st c. A.D.","R 13:1","","","Well","No period of use. Below the upper (Early Roman) dump extending down to ca. 6.10m. was a dumped fill of broken pottery in great quantity, including a high proportion of red-figured fragments. Masses of broken mud brick and numerous roof tiles show that this dump was debris from some house or shop. ; Objects P 9255-P 9258, P 21333, SS 11145 are from the lower filling, but from immediately below the later drains and belong to their context.; Objects P 34998 and P 34999 are from this deposit but no fill indicated.","","","","Agora:Deposit:R 13:1","","Deposit","26-29 June 1933; 8 April-26 May 1936","Agora" "Last quarter 5th c. B.C.","R 13:1.2","","","Lower Fill","","","","","Agora:Deposit:R 13:1.2","","Deposit","","Agora" "Ca. 350-294 B.C.","F 11:2","","","Well","Well associated with the Tholos, with scanty use fill but primarily dumped filling.","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 11:2","","Deposit","5 April-8 May 1934","Agora" "Early 1st c. B.C.","M 20:1","","","Cistern","Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above.; Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); nearly sterile layer (probably part of middle fill); Roman upper fill.; Sixty-eight stamped amphora handles. Middle fill contained fruit measure conforming to late 2nd c. decree.","","","","Agora:Deposit:M 20:1","","Deposit","February 1937","Agora" "Ca. 460-440 B.C.","N 7:3","","","Skytha Well","Well at 45/Θ (Skytha Well) near the north side of the market square. No period of use was distinguished, since it was impossible to clear the well to the bottom. The considerable quantity of dumped filling included red-figure and black glaze, semi-glaze kitchen-ware, and coarse cooking ware and storage jars.","","","","Agora:Deposit:N 7:3","","Deposit","12 May-13 June 1951","Agora" "Ca. 420-400 B.C.","Q 15:2","","","Well to the North of Nymphaeum","Well to N of Nymphaeum at 115/ΙΣΤ. A good water supply but no evidence for a period of use.; Exceptionally heavy dumped filling, including much fine tableware, many wine- jar fragments and other objects. Some of this material was stained with black or reddish soot as if from industrial activity","","","","Agora:Deposit:Q 15:2","","Deposit","8-29 April 1954; 20 June 1954","Agora" "various levels and dates","G-I 11-12","","","Investigations in the area of the Tholos","Investigations in the area around the Tholos, especially to the east and south of the building, between it and the Great Drain, and not otherwise specified as deposits.; ; This ""deposit"" has no form. It is comprised of several trenches in the area of the Tholos, labeled Trench A-Trench BB. Some features in the labeled trenches have separate deposit numbers.; e.g. Road areas in Trenches ; ; It would be appropriate to compare across layers in each trench, matching context dates. This information can be found in the Deposit Notebook as word documents. Herewith the objects are simply listed as found throughout the area within these trenches [pf, VII 2007]","","","","Agora:Deposit:G-I 11-12","","Deposit","","Agora" "Ca. 425-400 B.C.","H 12:6","","","Rubbish Dump","Rubbish Dump in mouth of abandoned well in Tholos Trench F, Kitchen. Filled with ash, charcoal, broken pottery, roof tiles.; Also from Trench L.; ; 13 March 2014 by Ann Steiner; The deposit has four components. In general it is vaguely funnel-shaped, but asymmetrically so.; Component 1: At the top is an extensive oval-shaped pit, c. 3.20 by 1.60, distinguished by signs of burning: the Tholos Kitchen Dump: Lots Ζ 271-287 (425-400 B.C.E.); Component 2: The second segment, moving downward, includes the top-most curb stones of a collapsed well together with ceramic material all jumbled up with the roof tiles from the Tholos, but with no signs of burning: Lots Ζ 687-690 (late 6th-late 5th c. B.C); Component 3: A second set of collapsed curb stones, ,below the first two, and the material below it to the top of what was still preserved of the well shaft proper: Lots Ζ 691-693; and Ζ 686 (Geometric-late 6th c.); Component 4: The bottom of the well and what is apparently pottery from a very short period of use. Lot Ζ 694 (425-400 B.C.E); Well walls collapse on east (?) side, leaving a meter or so at the bottom with the original walls intact. Four curbing stones at top of well sink, with two sinking deeper than the other two, leaving a large depression at top that is significantly larger than circumference of well. ; Earlier material, most likely from an earlier adjacent abandoned (?) well shifts into area of well shaft, both at just above the top-most curbing stones (Lots Ζ 687-690) but below the burning that signifies bottom of Kitchen Dump and below those curbing stones (Lots Ζ 686; 691-693).; C. 400: Kitchen Dump used to fill depression at ground level.","","","Agora:Image:2012.50.1262::/Agora/2012/2012.50/2012.50.1262.jpg::2048::1494","Agora:Deposit:H 12:6","","Deposit","7 June 1937; 19 March-17 May 1938","Agora"