"dc-title","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Chronology","Name","dc-description","Icon","dc-creator","Redirect","dc-date","Collection","Type","UserLevel","Id" "Profiles of decoration for G.R. Edwards Hellenistic kantharoi article (Agora XII).","","","","PD 1144-10c (DA 13927)","Linked image is a redrawn digital version (F. N. Ley and K. Lynch) of the original (N. Travlou).","Agora:Drawing:DA 13927::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/13000-13999/DA 13927.jpg::0::0","Nina Travlou","","1960; 2008","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 13927" "Profiles of decoration for G.R. Edwards Hellenistic kantharoi article (Agora XII).","","","","PD 1144-11a (DA 10458)","V-40","","Nina Travlou","","1960","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 10458" "Profiles of decoration for G.R. Edwards Hellenistic kantharoi article (Agora XII).","","","","PD 1144-10a (DA 7638)","Linked image is a redrawn digital version (F. N. Ley and K. Lynch) of the original (N. Travlou)","Agora:Drawing:DA 7638::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/07000-07999/DA 7638.jpg::0::0","Nina Travlou","","2008; 1960","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 7638" "Profiles of decoration for G.R. Edwards Hellenistic kantharoi article (Agora XII).","","","","PD 1144-10b (DA 7639)","Redrawn in digital format (ca. 2007-2008) by Anne Hooton and Kathleen Lynch for forthcoming addition/supplement to Agora XII.","","Nina Travlou","","1960","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 7639" "Profiles of decoration for G.R. Edwards Hellenistic kantharoi article (Agora XII).","","","","PD 1144-11b (DA 7640)","Linked image is a redrawn digital version (F. N. Ley and K. Lynch) of the original (N. Travlou)","Agora:Drawing:DA 7640::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/07000-07999/DA 7640.jpg::0::0","Nina Travlou","","2008; 1960","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 7640" "Types of drinking cups found in Agora pyres.; 1: P 2290; 2: P 19049; 3: P 29200; 4: P 16138; 5: P 28744; 6: P 6373; 7: P 17694; 8: P 13530; 9: P 20141; 10: P 18571; 11: P 16732; 12: P 18542; 13: P 18539; 14: P 13372; 15: P 18455; 16: P 28582.","","","","DA 12235","","Agora:Drawing:DA 12235::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/12000-12999/DA 12235.tif::0::0","Anne Hooton","","2013","Agora","Drawing","","Agora:Drawing:DA 12235" "Well","","","400-350 B.C.","J 18:7","Scanty remains of use fill in lowest 0.30m. with Byzantine dump above.","","","","23 February-16 March 1937","Agora","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:J 18:7" "Hedgehog Well","","","Ca. 350-320 B.C.","O 18:2","A small square well at 37/ΚΑ (about 0.60x0.70m), on the north slope of the Areopagus. Curbed with rough stones.; Filling of a small shallow well which contained nothing from the POU and since no water was encountered, may have served only as a storage or rubbish pit.; ; Thasian amphora dates around 340. One intrusive plate fragment probably dates in the 2nd c.","","","","11-17 May 1938","Agora","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:O 18:2"